Summary: Effective December 13, 2023, Missouri will deploy PMP AWARxE as the statewide PDMP application.
How It Affects Me: Veteran Affairs (VA) Prescriber users not licensed in the state of Missouri will cease to have access to the Missouri PDMP per RSMo Section 195.600, upon go live on December 13, 2023.
Action Steps:
St. Louis County PDMP VA prescribers licensed in Missouri:
- No further action is needed.
- You do not need to re-register to the Missouri PDMP. You will be able to use your existing St. Louis County PMP AWARxE username and password to access the new Missouri PMP AWARxE system.
- Your user role will be updated from VA Prescriber to Physician (MD/DO) role in the Missouri PDMP upon go live, December 13, 2023.
St. Louis PDMP VA Prescribers licensed outside the state of Missouri:
- No further action is needed.
- User accounts will be deactivated and cease to have access to the Missouri PDMP upon go live, December 13, 2023.